Welcome to Our Mental Health Awareness Challenges!

Participate in the challenges and get chance to win prizes

Our challenges are designed not only to engage and inspire participants but also to foster a sense of community and understanding surrounding mental health issues.

Open Challenges




Open Challenges 〰️ 2023/2024 〰️

Challenge #1: Mindful Moments Photo Challenge

Capture and share moments that help you stay mindful and at peace.

Whether it's a serene natural landscape, a cozy reading nook, or a calming creative activity, let's showcase the activities and places that contribute to our mental well-being. Share your photos on instagram with the hashtag #MindfulMe40, tag us @40seconds_, and follow us @40seconds_ to be featured.

2 Best Photo Post will win ₹500 Amazon gift card!! (every month till end of year)

Challenge #2: Virtual Support Art Showcase

Art can be a powerful medium for expressing emotions and experiences.

Create a piece of digital/physical (photo) art, whether it's a painting, illustration, or graphic design, that reflects your understanding of mental health support. Share your photos on instagram with the hashtag #MindfulArt40, tag us @40seconds_, and follow us @40seconds_ to be featured.

2 Best Art Post will win ₹500 Amazon gift card!! (every month till end of year)

Challenge #3: Mental Health Myth-Busters

Education is key to breaking down stigma and misconceptions about mental health.

Research and debunk common myths about mental health, and share your findings through informative graphics, videos, or written posts. Share your photos on instagram with the hashtag #MindfulArt40, tag us @40seconds_, and follow us @40seconds_ to be featured.

2 Best Post will win ₹750 Amazon gift card!! (every month till end of year)

Need more information? DM us @40seconds_ or email: contact@40seconds.org