Creative works by our Volunteers!


Creative works by our Volunteers! 〰️

By Kritika

Globally, it is estimated that 1 in 7 (14%) 10-19 year olds experience mental health conditions, yet these remain largely unrecognised and untreated - source WHO.

The illustration above portrays some, among the many issues faced by a teen in their daily life. Adolescents are at greater risk of mental health conditions due to their living conditions, stigma, discrimination or exclusion, or lack of access to quality support and services. It is very important to address the needs of teens with mental health issues in a kind and compassionate manner and remind ourselves that not all illnesses are visible.

By Kritika

Practical methods to use when you're feeling overwhelmed.

Feeling overwhelmed is quite common and this can often be described as an ‘emotional storm’ where our feelings and emotions get too overpowering. When this happens we must learn to ground ourselves rather than getting swayed by our emotions.

The first step to achieve this is to slow down and notice how we’re feeling.

This can be achieved by slowly taking deep breaths or stretching your arms outwards. These physical movements will help us reconnect to reality rather than overthinking.

The second step is to shift your focus from your emotions and into your surroundings.

Try noticing where you are and what are the 5 things you can identify? What are the four things you can hear? Maybe try touching a surface close to you and notice what that feels like.

These activities will help you process the difficult thoughts and feelings appearing in your mind while reminding you that there is a world around you that you can see and hear and touch. Remember that these activities will not make these difficult feelings disappear but they will help you deal with these emotional storms better..