The Cuban Protests.

Written by Aadhi

What is happening in Cuba ? 

Cuba is witnessing one of the the largest anti-government protest in 30 years. These protests were instigated as a result of social exhaustion incited by the current economic crisis of the country and by the way the government handled the Covid-19 pandemic. The country is facing severe economic and health crises. The daily toll for infections and death have rocketed in the past week. Hundreds of Cubans died without receiving the medical care they needed. Health centers and hospitals are brimming with patients, due to which many health centers have plunged to a point of collapse. Cuba has lost one of its main sources of economy due to the Covid-19 pandemic – Tourism. This has been compounded by growing inflation, blackouts and shortages of food, medicine and basic commodities. Long lines of people queuing up to buy goods such as oil or soaps have become common during this pandemic. Basic medicines have become scarce in both pharmacies and hospitals and many provinces have begun to sell pumpkin-based bread due to the lack of wheat flour. 

How did these protests start ? 

On 11th July, 2021, at least two simultaneous protests were started in San Antonio de los Baños and Palma Soriano. Thousands of people could be seen chanting “Freedom” and “Yes, we can”. Videos of protesters singing slogans of "Freedom", "Down with communism", and "We are not afraid" were broadcast on social networks in addition to protesters demanding vaccines. Orlando Gutierrez-Boronat, an author, activist and member of the Assembly of Cuban Resistance stated that there were protests going on in more than 15 cities and towns in Cuba. The demonstrations were so large that the President of the country called on “revolutionary” citizens to take on the streets against the anti-government protesters. During a TV speech on Monday, President Miguel Díaz-Canel stated, “The order to fight has been given - into the street, revolutionaries!" 

"We call on all the revolutionaries of the country, all the communists, to go out in the streets where these provocations will occur, from now on and in the next few days. And to face them in a decisive, firm, and courageous way," he further added. 

By the end of the day, dozens of injuries and arrests were reported. 

On 12th July, 2021, more protests were reported in Cuba. Dozens of women gathered in front of police stations to enquire about the whereabouts of their husbands, children and relatives arrested or disappeared during the events of the previous day. The Cuban government also curbed social media and messaging platforms including Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and Telegram. Netblocks, a watchdog organization stated that this was “likely to limit the flow of information from Cuba.” 

Protests outside Cuba – 

Chile - Cubans residing in Chile marched to the Cuban consulate in Santiago in support of the protests. 

U.S.A - Protests in Miami urging United States to provide aid for the protests in Cuba have taken place. Mayor of Miami Francis X. Suarez, a Cuban American, said it was time for a US-led international intervention in Cuba.” 

Spain - Demonstrations also took place at the Puerta del Sol in Madrid, Spain. 

Argentina - In Buenos Aires, Argentina, a protest took place in front of the Cuban embassy in Buenos Aires with protesters holding placards with the phrases "Patria y Vida" and others with the slogan "S.O.S. Cuba". 

Brazil - In São Paulo, Brazil, political parties and social movements staged a protest in favor of the Cuban government and "in defense of sovereignty" in front of the Consulate General of Cuba. 

Claims by the Cuban Government – 

There have been various claims by the President and the Cuban government that these protests were orchestrated by the United States government. In his televised address on Monday, Díaz-Canel said the anti-government protests were led by mercenaries and counter-revolutionaries hired by the US in an attempt to destabilize Cuba. Reuters, a news agency company stated that the President also blamed “US led social media campaigns.” Although such claims have been made by the Cuban Government, there has been no evidence yet to support those claims. 


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